Saturday, September 26, 2009

NaNo - where we find our muse and beat it to a pulp.

Well, it's almost October now and that means it's time to get our minds in gear for NaNoWriMo. Yes, easy enough, write 50,000 words in a month, 30 days. Find that muse that'sbeen lying under your bed for months, recuperating from the last installment and begin to bribe it with sweets. Oh, if yours is anything like mine it'll put up one heck of a fight, scream and punch you but stay strong. If you do, you'll soon have an idea for a 50,000 word story and will soon be off locked up in the basement with your laptop and a lifetime supply of coffee and donuts. Sure we'll all gain a few pounds, but hey, it is fall right? What better time to add a few pounds to that body; Thanksgiving is coming up right? It's just practice.

If you're anything like me you'll have an idea written already, your main character plotted out and know how they'll live/die/save the damsel in distress... if that's what you're going for. Me? I'm going for something a bit more... supernatural this year. No I won't give out what I'm doing, not until my brain is finished screaming in my head.

So to you fellow Nanonites out there, rejoice, fill up those cups and sharpen those pens because the fun is about to begin!

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